Gaslight Productions –> Gaslight Media Trust (GMT)
Gaslight Productions was up in 1998 to exploit the potential of new media for progressive education. Its first project the drama-documentary film SUNDAY made for Channel 4 Television. SUNDAY tells the story of the events of 30th January 1972 in Derry (which became know as Bloody Sunday) primarily from the perspective of the people who suffered it. The film won Best Single Drama at the prestigious ‘Prix Italia’ awards in Sicily and was nominated for an International EMMI.
Post SUNDAY Gaslight wanted to find a way to:
- Tell the wider story of the conflict in and about ‘Northern Ireland’.
- Create an inclusive educational workshop space where: every view is respected but equally where every view can be challenged so that its underlying causes could be better understood.
- Out of these considerations epilogues emerged.
Gaslight Media Trust Formed
With epilogues produced and the our work primarily focused on delivering epilogues, in 2007 Gaslight set up Gaslight Media Trust as an educational trust with charitable status to take that work forward. Gaslight Productions was subsequently dissolved in 2016.
Gaslight Productions –> Gaslight Media Trust (GMT) Gaslight Productions was up in 1998 to exploit the potential of new media for progressive education. Its first project the drama-documentary film SUNDAY made for Channel 4 Television. SUNDAY tells the story of the events of 30th January 1972 in Derry (which became know as Bloody Sunday) primarily
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