At the request of our host organisation Foyle Women’s Information Network, Delivery 10 took place on a weekly basis in The Everglades Hotel. It ran from Wednesday 31st Jan to Wednesday 20th March. Fifteen women took part and competed the programme (two missed the graduation photograph above). We had a good mix of backgrounds and ages and the intergenerational aspect of the learning was commented on as a positive for everyone.
A big thanks on behalf of one and all to the staff of the Evergades Hotel who looked after our every need and made our stay so comfortable.
Here’s some of the feedback comments from participants:
- “It has given me confidence to speak up and to be more open to others’ views.”
- “Being able to talk to people and feel more educated to comment on our history.”
- “The programme has deepened my understanding of the time it took to move from war to peace.”
- “[Since participating I’ve noticed] it has wakened me up a bit.”
- “[Since participating I’ve noticed I’m ] more attentive to the news and what goes on in the city and the world. i.e. Gaza”
- “I feel privileged for the opportunity to take part in epilogues programme. I am more educated, I have a better understanding of what WE ALL lived with and through. I have opened my eyes, ears and heart.”
- “What I find useful is some of the ‘”frameworks” around thinking, e.g. ‘peace orientation’ and ‘war orientation’.”
- “It has made me aware of different perceptions of the conflict. I have also learned how to have discussions and be able to talk in a group with different backgrounds and political beliefs.”
- “I would of found it useful to have a brief history of why the conflict developed.”
- “[Since participating I’ve noticed] myself holding back and letting others speak.”
- “[Since participating I’ve noticed I’m ] hearing views which are opposite [to my own] without emotional and intellectual reaction.”
- “I need to be more human in my perspective of the conflict- be more understanding of those who adopt harsher perspectives and not be blinded by my own biases.”
A big thanks also to Joseph Rowntree Charitable Trust and the Irish government’s Department of Foreign Affairs Reconciliation Fund without whose support this delivery to women’s groups across Northern Ireland could not be possible.
Our followup session is scheduled for Wednesday 8th May. The session will reflect on what if any have been the long-term impacts of having completed the epilogues programme, and look in a more focused way on applying the learning to the issues of the day be that in their respective communities or internationally e.g. the horrendous human rights abuses unfolding in Gaza on a daily basis.
In late June (date and location to be confirmed) these graduates along with graduates for the other 11 deliveries under this funding will be invited to a celebratory Gathering of what’s been achieved by the delivery and explore possible next steps.
At the request of our host organisation Foyle Women’s Information Network, Delivery 10 took place on a weekly basis in The Everglades Hotel. It ran from Wednesday 31st Jan to Wednesday 20th March. Fifteen women took part and competed the programme (two missed the graduation photograph above). We had a good mix of backgrounds and ages
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